Bible Study
Our adults and teens have a great time engaging in Bible studies, organized by book or Scriptural topic.

Celebrate Recovery
Step into this safe space, as you find a Biblically balanced approach to sustainable recovery and healing for your hurts.
Our dedicated team offers prayer, spiritual counsel, and Biblical sacraments, as an extension of our pastoral staff.

Community Outreach
We are honored to serve individuals and families in Monmouth County and the tri-state area, at the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission and Bowery Mission, as well as through events like harvest festivals and friend days.
Further your Christian walk and Scriptural knowledge through a 33-week class, led by Senior Pastor Chris Fraley.

Food & Fellowship Ministry
We love to celebrate and fellowship together! Our special events are made sweeter through food prepared with love.
Grief Share
We're thankful that grieving the loss of ones we love is a journey we do not have to take alone.

Media Ministry
Connection with our congregation and local community is made easier, thanks to our audio-visual team.
Men’s Ministry
Through breakfasts and other gatherings, we nurture men of faith who are prepared to lead their families and communities.

Parents of little ones feel supported, as we offer loving care during the entirety of our adult Sunday services.
Outpost Youth Ministry
Middle school and high school students find deep connections with their peers who love the Lord through discussions, game nights, and special services.

Prayer Connections
Present your requests to the Lord, and intercede for fellow believers, through our location-free prayer conference calls.
Refire Senior Ministry
Our senior adults enjoy Spirit-led fellowship and discussions about maturing in Christ through all seasons of their lives.

Sprouts Preschool Ministry
Through music, arts, and crafts, our preschoolers are able to develop new skills and discover Christ as their shepherd.
Under Construction Children’s Ministry
Elementary students have a blast as they learn to relate to each other and see the world through the eyes of God.

Ushers and Greeters Ministry
Each time we meet, our ushers and greeters have a way of making people from all walks of life remember that they belong.
Women’s Ministry
Brunches, game nights, and other special events help our ladies cultivate supportive friendships that point to Christ.

Worship Ministry
We find joy, healing, and freedom as we offer our praises to the Lord as one voice and one congregation.